First Look Or Aisle Look?

January 13, 2021

“First Look Or Aisle Look?” by TONI G PHOTO.

This is probably the mostttt controversial question that couples have these days lol! So let’s break it down! :)))

First off… what even is a “first look”? 

A “first look” is a moment before the ceremony where the couple gets to see each other for the first time (alone, away from guests)! Typically, I’ll set the groom up with his back turned and have the bride come up behind him to tap on his shoulder, he’ll turn around to see her, it’s a cute emotional super romantic moment, and you have photographs of their reaction forever! :)))

(Also just a note: I’m using “groom” and “bride” terminology to make it easier…. but it could def be switched up to be “groom and groom” or “bride and bride”!! :)))

Benefits of a First Look

  • Having a “first look” between just the two of you gives you a chance to have a special moment ALONE before the craziness of the ceremony. My past clients have told me that they remembered their “first look” as being the onlyyy part of the wedding day where they got to be with only each other & not have to focus on all of the guests.
  • Some couples who may be too nervous to read their personal written vows in front of their crowd of family/friends will take this time to read them privately to each other — and then they can do the “repeat after the officiant” vows for the ceremony. I’ve had previous clients say that they chose to do a first look because they knew their groom wouldn’t cry in front of his friends, but he wouldddd cry (which is what we all want, amiiiright? lol!!) if they just had a moment alone. :)))
  • This also really helps with your wedding timeline! Since the couple has already seen each other before the ceremony, the photographer is able to take alllll of the bridal party photos & a few formal family photos BEFORE the ceremony… which is AMAZING!

    …Because just picture yourself & how you’re gonna feel immediately after you finallyyyy get married at your ceremony….. You’re gonna want a celebratory drink & to go hug all of your friends, right? RIGHT! But if we haven’t taken your bridal party or family photos yet… then I’m gonna have to keep you away from your cocktail party for about an hour to finish those first :(((

    But if you do a first look and we can knock out all of your bridal party photos & most of your family photos before the ceremony… then you get to your party quicker after the ceremony! :)))

Now this all sounds great…. But let’s compare it to the…


If you don’t choose to do a first look, then you’ll be doing the traditional “aisle look”. This is the way that couples have been doing it since the beginning of weddings! It’s that big dramatic moment when the music is playing, all of the guests stand, and the groom is laying eyes on his bride for the first time (usually being led by her father or an important friend). :)))

This one is an amazingggg choice too!! And some couples have been waiting their whole entire lives for this exact moment — so if that’s you, then by all means, please pick an aisle look!! :)))

The only real difference… is that right after the ceremony, you’ll have to put aside about an hour of time to get through all of your formal family and bridal party photos, rather than going straight to your cocktail hour + reception party! Which is fine! There will be lots of guests trying to get your attention & pull you away for hugs which cuts into your photo time… so I’ll just bust through your photos as quickly as possible to make sure you get everything you need before going off to the rest of your party! :))) 

Honestly, whether you do a first look or aisle look — it will be amazing and emotional and beautiful and you’ll never forget it! :)))

Also…. if you decide not to do a first look with your partner… you could maybe do one with your bridesmaids instead!! :)))

Or you could do a first look with your dad! :)))

This is alllll totally up to you though!! It’s just a preference whether of whether you want a first look or aisle look! And your special day will be AMAZING no matter what you choose!! :)))

Toni G.



  1. […] other for the first time before the ceremony (rather than the traditional “Aisle Look”) — Read this article for more info on a First Look versus the Aisle Look!! […]

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